Does your mind feel like a pinball machine of bells and lights and chaos? It feels completely unpredictable and all of the sounds and visuals can be overwhelming and can feel out of control!
Do you berate yourself on a regular basis?
Have you been told you're "controlling"?
Do you avoid tasks or hard conversations?
Do you blame others for things that "just happen"?
Is it hard to focus on one thing?
Are you constantly waiting for the "other shoe to drop"?
If you answered YES to any of these- I have exciting news for you!
The good news is that we can re-program this mental pinball machine with Mental Fitness Training - it's how we chill out the “ping, zap, zoing, whoop” of our mind and create a place of calm and stillness.
Mental Fitness is based on the work of Shirzad Chamine. His book, “Positive Intelligence” lays out the research and framework for achieving high levels of Positive Intelligence, or Mental Fitness. It is training just as you would train at the gym, for a marathon, or even for a new job. It takes more than reading or learning.
“Sustained transformational change requires 20% insight and 80% muscle building.”
-Shirzad ChamineiRise For Me Mental Fitness Training provides the insight and prompts for mental muscle building. You get the joy and satisfaction of doing the work and experiencing the powerful change.
The Mental Fitness Training includes:
If you'd like to learn more, grab your free Mental Fitness Curiosity Call here.
Is it your BFF? Or your enemy?
Most of us can relate to a busy mind overrun with to-do lists, worry, anxiety, and rumination.
How would it feel to finally be at peace in your mind? To feel confident, calm, and in control? How could this positively impact your work and personal life?
Try this:
Look at the lists below and see which words most align with where you are now.
- Able to prioritize
- Adaptable
- Calm
- Confident
- Creative
- Empathetic
- Empowered
- Flexible
- Laser-focused
- Powerful
- Present
Your brain is your BFF
- Angry
- Anxious
- Burdened
- Depressed
- Fearful
- Impatient
- Overwhelmed
- Stress
- Unappreciated
- Unmotivated
- Used
Your brain is your frenemy
i Recognize. i Inform Myself. i Strategize. i Emerge.
Truth is, your mind is the ultimate example of a “frenemy”. Most of us spend far more time interacting with the “enemy” side of our brain than the friend side.
Shirzad Chamine and his groundbreaking research has developed an assessment to identify where we stand with our brain as friend or foe. He refers to this as a Saboteur Assessment. You can take it by following the link below.
The 7-week program builds a solid foundation of the PQ® Operating System. When the formal program ends, the next phase of your life begins.
Upon completion of the 7-week program, you are ready to continue in different ways. This is where you really can tailor the program to your needs and your life! You can continue using the app, you can choose to access more in the app, and you can continue group or 1:1 coaching.
Where can I use this PQ® Operating System in my Life?
Consider what happens with planting one seed: it then develops an intricate root system, a trunk, branches, and leaves. Consider that PQ provides three seeds with the Sage exercises. And you nurture these seeds with repetition and application of the exercises. The PQ operating system allows you to keep growing and flourishing in every aspect of your life.
This is the beautiful thing about PQ. It is a simple framework with broad applications (think: chronic pain, health and wellness, stress management, happiness, leadership, parenting, conflict management, relationships, performance, and more) - most importantly, it has the ability to transform yourself and your life. You can use the strategies you gain to improve your work, daily life, relationships, and so much more.
Investment: $1298 USD
Ready? Get Started Here!