Tired of Pain Impacting Your Work & Life?

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Pain Is Not A Life Sentence: The Stuff
You Didn't Learn From The Books

a free masterclass



You are no stranger to the experience of pain. It impacts every area of your life from sleep to your family to job performance and hobbies.

What awaits you when the grip of pain has released itself?

Success in and out of the courtroom. Love of activity. Enjoying work and family again. Focus and concentration. Confidence. Trusting your body. Ease in your mind. And so much more.

Did I mention this class is completely free?

September 10, 2024 6PM EST. 

Save your spot!

You know your pain is REAL!



 Imagine spontaneously going out with colleagues and friends to your favorite happy hour. Savor coming home from work, feeling good and eager to engage with your family in the evening.

This is within reach.


Pain is NOT a Life Sentence Masterclass

Come explore the science and art to address your pain.

You'll gain 3 key strategies to release yourself (and your clients) from the grip of pain. You'll discover and experience:

  • How physical pain and emotional pain are NOT 2 different things
  • The intimate connection of our brain and body
  • The abundance of options within the 3 key strategies
  • Bonus: all of these strategies can help your clients too!

It’s time to take your life back.

STRATEGY #1: The power of knowledge.

STRATEGY #2: Using exercise to reduce pain.

STRATEGY #3: Enhancing your Mental Fitness.


I’ve been a Physical Therapist for over 33 years.  I am a curious continual learner!  

I have taken a deep dive into Pain Science, Health and Wellness Coaching, Lifestyle Medicine, and Mental Fitness coaching.  The combined total of my years studying these fields is more than 25 years! I’ve been passionate about helping and guiding people for decades to empower themselves through knowledge and options. My mantra with my clients at my very first PT job in Pennsylvania was “helping you help yourself”. 

Additionally, like you, it has been a bumpy, unpredictable road. 

I went through a painful divorce. I struggled to show up in a way to help me move forward. At some point, I realized I already harnessed a huge skillset learned over decades to help me through this challenging situation. Up to this point, I did not realize the scope and magnitude of how applying the concepts of Pain Science, Coaching, Lifestyle Medicine, and Mental Fitness could create a huge shift in myself which has rippled to my family, friends and clients as well.  

Now, I help Family Law Professionals (and their clients) experiencing pain or going through difficult life transitions feel more prepared and at ease. At the core of what I coach, it is self-care and laser focused action through the lens of science.

"I've felt profound little mini changes within me, that has in return given me profound changes in
the places where success was eluding me for years. Career, communication, financial, purpose." 
Aimee S.
"Jen Uschold has given me tools to feel in control emotionally while going through a process that can feel out of control. These tools help one cope with the physical and emotional manifestations of stress."


September 10, 2024 6PM EST.

See you there!

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